Dogs and Mushrooms: Are They Poisonous?

So, when it comes to mushrooms, how does a dog guardian know which


Thyroid Tumors and Thyroid Surgery in

AJ Debiasse, a technician in Stroudsburg, PA, contributed to this article Your dog’s


Study Shows You Are Your Dog’s

Science is once again confirming what many dog lovers suspected: Our dogs know


Cat Checkups & Preventive Care

Top of the week news

5 “Silent” Killers of Cats

5 “Silent” Killers of Cats

When it comes to caring for your cat, I have a few simple recommendations: By

Cat Pee 101: Is My Cat’s Urine Normal?

Cat Pee 101: Is My Cat’s Urine Normal?

Nobody likes a smelly litterbox. While even the cleanest kitty condo will possess a particular

Does My Senior Cat Really Need Lab Work?

Does My Senior Cat Really Need Lab Work?

Have you ever wondered why your veterinarian recommends getting screening lab work for your senior

My New Year’s Resolution: A Stronger Cat Bond

My New Year’s Resolution: A Stronger Cat Bond

It’s that time when we all start to think about how we’re going to improve

How do You Know if Your Cat is in Pain?

How do You Know if Your Cat is in Pain?

Assessing pain is a complicated challenge, especially in cats. Pain has two primary components: the sensory aspect (intensity,

What is Kitten Season?

What is Kitten Season?

Here we are, smack dab in the midst of the feline phenomenon referred to as


Kidney Disease in Cats: What Cat Owners Should Know

Perhaps the most important thing to know about kidney disease in cats is that way too many cats are affected by it. In fact, studies show

Five Things You Need to Know About Heartworm Disease and Your Cat

If you think dogs are the only ones who get heartworm disease, I invite you to reconsider. Although dogs are the more natural host for this disease,

Managing Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in Your Cat

If your cat was just diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM), fear not, you’re in good company. Unfortunately, DM is a growing problem in

Constipation in Cats: It’s Never Normal

Nikki Schneck, a veterinary technician near Pottsville, PA, contributed to this article. Many cats are notorious for not drinking much water. This makes them

Cat Toxins & Poisons

Top of the week news

The Dangers of Easter Lilies to Cats

The Dangers of Easter Lilies to Cats

Can My Cat Drink Milk?

Can My Cat Drink Milk?

Why Do Cats Eat Plants, and Should I Be Worried?

Why Do Cats Eat Plants, and Should I

The Top 5 Cat Toxins

The Top 5 Cat Toxins

Easter Lily Poisoning in Cats

Easter Lily Poisoning in Cats


Dog Health

Top pic for you

Are Long Term Pain Medications (NSAIDS) Safe for Dogs?

Just like people, many dogs develop age-related arthritis. Symptoms are far more common in larger breeds. Not only are the big dogs more predisposed

How do You Know if Your Cat is in Pain?

Assessing pain is a complicated challenge, especially in cats. Pain has two primary components: the sensory aspect (intensity, location and duration) and the

Seven Tips to Enhance Your Aging Dog’s Longevity

I recently addressed common age-related changes in dogs. Thinking about such changes begs the question, what can we do to enhance the

5 “Silent” Killers of Cats

When it comes to caring for your cat, I have a few simple recommendations: By following these basic tips, you

Organophosphate toxicity in cats

Overview/RiskOrganophosphates are organic phosphate compounds commonly found in insecticides used in lawn and garden or flea and tick treatments, such

Cancer Innovation: Odds Improve for Dogs with Hemangiosarcoma

A new drug, developed at the University of Minnesota, is showing significant promise for dogs with hemangiosarcoma (HSA), a frequently diagnosed form of cancer that

Does Your Dog Have Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety can be a very difficult problem for dog guardians to deal with, particularly since the most intense behavioral reactions from dogs happen

Aspirin Toxicity in Cats

OverviewAspirin is a drug that has many benefits for both pets and people; unfortunately, it can also be dangerous. Cats are